Friday, May 28, 2010

About 6 months!

Can you believe it. Austen is about 6 months preg.... So exciting. Up in that belly there is my lil fella who apparently is a kicker! Austen says he moves a lot. Also, because Austen is so lean, otherwise, I can feel him kicking too! It's awesome! I am so proud of Aus, she's kept a great weight, essentially only gaining baby weight. She's continued to workout regularly and I mean regularly for her - still doing Olympic Lifts and MetCon training. She's simply amazing. Maybe that's what Peanut is doing up in there, imitating mom... "Hey mom, look, I'm doing a power clean. OK, mom, now I'm doing Burpees! :-)" God remember when you were a kid and burpees were fun... oh the days...

Anyhow, here's a pic of the belly... growing and growing....

Much love for that there belly and girl and boy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More pics....

20 weeks, 1 day, .75lbs: Those are Peanuts Stats! That and Healthy baby boy that is! (He actually measures 20 weeks, 3 days, which is not surprising, already ahead of the curve... Brilliant!)

Had the 20 week anatomy scan US today and sex determination - 4 out of 4 techs say It's a Boy!

Posted below some US pics.


Here are a list of names that someone posted in my online community. Apparently she works at the hospital and these are some of the more interesting names that she has come across lately. This is purely for comic relief --- athough we we really love Jaxson and Gnesis. Oh, and too bad we aren't having a girl because we love S-veg Gina. 
Twins Alizabeth and Alijah
Jaxson (x3)
Twins Kylie and Kaylie
Xzavier (must be popular - there's also a Mathias Xzavier)
Paizlee Anaiah
Khyla Cloud
S-veg Gina (seriously)
Haidyn (girl)
Dereyon "Lucy" (where'd they get Lucy from?)
Bronze (boy)
There are 5 Brooklyns

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My sweet darling wife, the vessel of Peanut! So damn cute! Isn't she the most beautiful person ever!?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

19 weeks and kicking!

I have reached a milestone in my pregnancy, or at least something that I have looked forward to since the day that I found out that I was pregnant: I felt Peanut kick! On Saturday I was driving back from my cousins wedding shower and all of the sudden I felt a movement in my belly that was unmistakably a little kick from Peanut! It was so exciting. Since then, he has been moving non stop, and I love it. Every time I feel a little nudge or kick it makes me smile and it reminds me of the miracle of life that is happening inside me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A scare and a pic

I discovered just how much I want to be a father to Peanut yesterday. We had a bit of a scare. Austen was awoken in the night by cramping, what she described as menstrual like cramping. Then again in the morning and through the early part of the morning. We were both concerned. I almost vomited my breakfast. It was at that point when I really realized just how much I love that little unborn fetus! Hell yeah! At any rate, we made a Drs. appointment immediately and they were able to see us that morning. Great news. I was stressed out the whole time. Then we had the ultrasound and all was good. Thank goodness. Thank goodness! It was relieving to hear the US tech say, everything from cervix to baby look good. It's a bit unusual to hear someone say your wife has a nice looking cervix, but whatever.. ;-)

So they also gave a sex check. It's a boy! That's now 3 out of 3 US techs that have agreed they could easily find a "3rd leg"...seriously, that's what they call it. No not a penis, a 3rd leg. It's medicine, anyhow, I digress. So it looks like Austen and I are going to be the VERY EXTREMELY OVER PROTECTIVE LOVING parents of a baby boy. 

No, that imaged does not show his 3rd leg, or at least I don;t think it stretches that far... else many of us males would be quite jealous!  At any rate, there he is - our beautiful lil peanut! He's the f-ing bomb! And so of course now the flurry of 1 question comes like a barrage of firepower from a line of soldiers: "Names?"

Sorry, folks. I think we've agreed to hold off talking about names until we decide on something that we love. We have a few we're tossing around. Maybe this will be the surprise... instead of the sex... LOL

SO there we have it - the dude!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's been a while, 16 weeks +/- to be exact....

So, it's been a while since our last post and Aus is now a little over 16 weeks preg. She's starting to show a little, her belly basically just popped out a touch one day. It was awesome, well, easy for me to say. She's still rocking the gym ( and other exercises) and working in the yard and training the dogs and... well let's just say she isn't sitting around like a lazy bum, that's for darn sure. In fact, as far as pregnant gals go, shoot as far as gals go, she's been quite active. Up at 5:30-6am for the gym, full day work, yard work, tag team training the dogs, eat (yeah we eat a lot in between all that ;-) and listening to P's heartbeat. We're exhausted. 

Both of us are getting really excited about the 20 week visit coming up, not nearly fast enough, to determine the sex and check out Peanut's little organs... we can't wait. 

We've unofficially assigned this emoticon :-P as Peanut's emoticon... and we love to use it.... 

OK, so here are a few pics of the belly emergence.....

...And whether Austen thinks it or not, she's more beautiful than ever. I know this time is a struggle for all women, you are gaining weight and that is the enemy, but not now, now it's the plan, the goal, the bomb! And to me, the larger her belly gets the better she looks.... Every time I listen to P's heartbeat (that is when we can actually find it, it's taken an hour before, but Aus has gotten so good at it; it worries me to death when we can't find it :-(  - i get the biggest smile ever! It's strange how you can already love this little thing...the vessel that is carrying it, and our growing family. We, well, basically rule!