Wednesday, March 10, 2010

12 Week ultrasound

Well, there he is. Sucking away. The obstinate little fella was really not cooperating with our NT scan, but finally they were able to get some good pics of what they needed. Nothing like starting out at 12 weeks old and be non-cooperative... boy I wonder what we have in store for us! :-)

And, actually, we don't know if it's a he or a she (hopefully one or the other), but the ultrasound tech seemed to think the % was higher for male because she saw a protrusion between the two femurs (see image below).
Of course this is a really wild guess on her part, but it does confirm our suspicions. I'd been intuitively referring to "it" as him, he, dude, etc. Austen has also started referring to "it" as him and had indicated a "feeling" that it was a boy. LOL. 

At any rate, we are super duper excited about this: Stoked if you will! This is our first and we are totally excited and revved up about having the new little one. We are also fortunate that we'd gotten the house when we did because this was more than sort of an accident. 

Also, these times - the first trimester - have been rough on poor old Austen. She's not been super sick with pregnancy sickness, just a little nausea at nigh time. She has been really hungry and tired, which I understand is normal: for goodness sake her body is growing our offspring!!!! And that's what takes me to my next point: Austen and the work she's done. She keeps saying to me that I am doing everything: cooking, washing dishes, etc random things. I keep trying to convince her that it all comes out in the wash. I mean, in addition to her past year including wrapping up her PhD thesis and getting a full-time job, she IS growing my (evil) seed inside her. It's a lot of work and it ain't over for her yet. Mothers don't got it easy: I know that. The work - biologically, psychologically, physiologically - needed to bring the baby to fruition is very high. It's hard work on her system. Couple that with the fact that she still continues to workout (does CrossFitMom just about everyday), works 40 hrs, and thinks about science (not to mention the laundry and sweeping up) - she's a veritable beast of a workhorse. The only thing I can do, as a good husband, as a good man(!), is pitch in a little here and a little there to support her hard work biologically. I am not sure how to convince her that I am being honest here. I know the details of parturition and I know that that means a lot of things are going on inside her. Being sensitive to those changes is just one thing I needed to make myself aware of and respond to so that she never felt like she was in this alone. She'll never be at this deal alone: That there gal's stuck with me!

It's my pleasure to make her breakfast, sometimes lunch, and dinner and do anything else I can for her. She's my baby's momma, but no seriously she's the vessel for the little dude! I love her so much, and I love that little Peanut so much already. They are both my life and will do everything for them, all the time! They Rule!

So maybe one more pic of that cute as hell, cool little dude before I sign off, eh?
Little thumb sucker!


  1. Another post that melts my heart! You are so awesome, Steve! I love you so much and am so thankful that I have you in my life xx

  2. I love this :) It's a little person there!

  3. Better start saving money for the orthodontist! : )
