Monday, April 12, 2010

17 weeks (almost)

I am terrible at this whole blogging thing! I think about Peanut, and talk about Peanut, and daydream about Peanut all the time, but I am just not very good about blogging about Peanut. Since I last posted a lot of things have happened. Peanut has grown by leaps and bounds and so has my stomach. I am finally showing. One of the ladies that I work with commented that she could not believe how much belly has grown since last week. I have to agree with her. The growth is pretty rapid. I hope that we do not have the beginnings of some giant 12 lb baby or something going on in there. We had an appointment at the Dr last week and they told us that everything is looking and sounding great. At the 16 week appt they do not do an ultra sound, which was kind of a bummer, but it is reassuring to hear the Dr. say that P is doing well. May 5th we go for the anatomy scan. At that appointment they will tell us the gender for sure, although we have already seen what we think are boy parts twice. We are feeling pretty confident that  it is a boy, but we will see. Steve and I are doing little projects around the house and are getting ready to tackle the upstairs and start making some plans for P's bedroom. I am looking forward to that. In the meantime we are staying busy putting in a path in the yard and around our pond. Fun! Anyway, I just wanted to give a little update on what is going on with us; everything is great!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it has been fun, putting in the path, which will eventually be the place where P trips and scrapes his knees, or worse yet, falls in the pond... teasing.

    P's the Bomb. great post honey. Next projects: :-P 's nursery room. Austen and I have already started to think about colors, blankets, we've bought a few items of clothing, but nothing really because while two techs have indicated the presences of a 3rd leg, we are waiting until at least 20 weeks to make any firm decisions. Other things that are happening - we are getting the house ready - we signed Bruno and Rads up for dog training: Bark Busters. I was very impressed with their methods, their teaching, the knowledge of animal, or at least Canid behavior. They teach a method similar to what you might see on the dog whisperer, cesar, but they don't use "ch!' they teach other methods as well. The boys did well on their first training, honestly the poor dudes were tuckered out. It was quite funny. First day of "school" was tiring on them. Cute.

    The training is not really because the dogs are "bad" we just want to make certain that we have as much control over them as possible for when P comes. I think this is the wisest decision we might have ever made and in our opinions it's money well-spent. Our good friend Lindsey recommended it/the services to Austen and we are so grateful. Let's hope for utter success.

    Speaking of utters... no, on the other hand, let's not go there ;-)

    At any rate, we are moving right along - all signs from the Drs indicate healthy, austen is keeping really healthy and I am trying to keep her well-fed with good stuff. The occasional Dunkin Donut Munchkin', of course!
