Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's been a while, 16 weeks +/- to be exact....

So, it's been a while since our last post and Aus is now a little over 16 weeks preg. She's starting to show a little, her belly basically just popped out a touch one day. It was awesome, well, easy for me to say. She's still rocking the gym (crossfitmom.com and other exercises) and working in the yard and training the dogs and... well let's just say she isn't sitting around like a lazy bum, that's for darn sure. In fact, as far as pregnant gals go, shoot as far as gals go, she's been quite active. Up at 5:30-6am for the gym, full day work, yard work, tag team training the dogs, eat (yeah we eat a lot in between all that ;-) and listening to P's heartbeat. We're exhausted. 

Both of us are getting really excited about the 20 week visit coming up, not nearly fast enough, to determine the sex and check out Peanut's little organs... we can't wait. 

We've unofficially assigned this emoticon :-P as Peanut's emoticon... and we love to use it.... 

OK, so here are a few pics of the belly emergence.....

...And whether Austen thinks it or not, she's more beautiful than ever. I know this time is a struggle for all women, you are gaining weight and that is the enemy, but not now, now it's the plan, the goal, the bomb! And to me, the larger her belly gets the better she looks.... Every time I listen to P's heartbeat (that is when we can actually find it, it's taken an hour before, but Aus has gotten so good at it; it worries me to death when we can't find it :-(  - i get the biggest smile ever! It's strange how you can already love this little thing...the vessel that is carrying it, and our growing family. We, well, basically rule!


  1. I just have to comment to say that Peanut is 17 weeks today! :-)

  2. So SWEET!! I am so happy for the both of you!!
