Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ecstatic is a word derived from an emotion that tends to occur with the creation offspring (i.e. baby-making!), ecstasy. I think it's appropriate, even if it sounds naughty. Here's why: I am completely and unadulteratedly ecstatic about having a baby with Austen!

Seriously, everyday, I think about her (& P) more and more, it's almost debilitating. LOL What's she doing? Is she feeling anything? I hope she's not upset or nauseous? I wonder if she need's anything? Maybe I should write her a dumb, funny poem to put a smile on her face. Maybe I should stop into her office just to say hi, or to deflect other annoying people from stopping in, as if that'd work! I hope work is not to stressful for her. I hope she has enough food for lunch, I'd better go call/email/IM her to find out. I hope people aren't bothering her, she's got the log onto the Bump, which is vastly more important. I can't wait for her to come home and snuggle up with her snuggie (or me) and the dogs and Billy (the cat people, what kind of folks do you take us for?) I love to listen to her say while watching Idol: "I hate Cara D'whateverthehellhername is. But I like Elen, she's funny." I like making her healthy snacks, which I think she appreciates. I like making dinner for her: BUT NO DARK GREEN VEGGIES OR CAULIFLOWER, oh no... that can = pukie feeling. Oh no, none of that! I love telling her I love her. I love helping her work on/think about her dissertation. I like telling her about my day, and hearing about hers, although my day is usually boring as all get out, because I've done nothing but think about her all day.

A few years ago, and many guys today, would say, "Steve, sounds like you are majorly bitch (insert any other female genitalia organ here) whipped". But, alas, I am not. Just Ecstatic about having my best friend be my wife, life partner, colleague, emotional and cognitive friend and support system, and mother of my offspring. If that's bitch whipped, fine, but really it's not. Because while I think about her and P as often as I humanly can and love her more than this post or anything written would/could ever demonstrate, I know she feels the same way about me. We work as a team - supporting each other. And I am simply ecstatic about it!


  1. Awwww! You are the sweetest! I love you too so much and am ecstatic to have a baby with you! Yay! Oh, and I do really dislike that Kara or Cara or whatever her name is on American Idol, you are so right! Lol!

  2. That's so freaking cute I can barely stand it. And Aus, I can't stand Kara either.
