Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Well, I sure have been getting the royal treatment today! Actually, I have been treated like a queen for the last few weeks. Steve has been more than willing to take over chores and run errands so that I can rest and relax. I am so thankful that I have such a caring and thoughtful husband. Today, in celebration of Valentine's Day, Steve made me the dinner of my choice. We had lamb loin chops with mint jelly, garlic smashed potatoes, and caesar salad (I know... it was a tall order!). He did a wonderful job, and it was delicious! To top that off, he made a paleo (uber healthy) carrot cake to satisfy my sweet tooth. The cake was a hit! I am already thinking of having a piece for breakfast. Oh wait, I am not supposed to gain all 25 pregnancy pounds in the first trimester, so maybe I will stick to eggs for breakfast. The whole reason I wanted to write this post isn't to describe how much I am enjoying all the great food that I am eating, but to express how much I appreciate having a partner like Steve who is so willing to go above and beyond- and not just on Valentine's day. From his willingness to cook to writing me loving emails every morning to reassure me that I am the coolest in his eyes, he makes me feel so loved and very special every day of the year! I love you, Steve! You rule! I can't wait to celebrate Valentine's with you and Peanut next year, although I think the Valentine's menu will be a little different for P--

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