Sunday, February 21, 2010

Isn't there supposed to be some glow?

Well, I got a kick out of this. I get these updates from various websites about the baby's growth trajectory each week and what kind of symptoms or changes I should expect to see in my body. Now we have all heard that old adage that pregnant women have a "glow", right? I have yet to see any evidence of this so called "glow." Here is my update for the week about what to expect:
"Notice a network of tiny blue veins crisscrossing your already achy breasts and (sorry) disappearing waistline? Though you may not love the new look, these veins carry the extra blood needed to nourish your burgeoning baby. You also might see the effects of pregnancy on your face -- in the form of major breakouts, that is. (Thanks, hormones.)"
Gee this really gives me something to look forward to! LOL! I mean maybe they could sugar coat it a little more. I would appreciate that. Anyway, this totally contradicts the whole "glow" idea if you ask me. Luckily, I am not one of those poor ladies, at least not yet, that has had terrible breakouts in response to the hormonal changes; however the thickening of the waistline is definitely in effect. 

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