Physically, I am feeling kind of blah. I am very tired and hungry all the time, but I am managing to continue to go to the gym and to do all of my normal activities. I am really looking forward to that time period in the second trimester when things go back to "normal"--- or so they say. Actually, I was telling Steve last night that I imagine P in there wearing a little fidel castro hat with a mustache barking orders like a little dictator--- lol. It certainly seems like for such a small little thing, "he" is taking over my body and running the show!
In all seriousness though, this has been such a special time in our lives. The moment that I found out that P existed things changed. Just the knowledge of that little life sparked the beginning of a love that is growing day by day. In this delicate time during pregnancy, I am so thankful for every day that P grows stronger and gets bigger. Grow, baby, grow!