Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 8

This has been a very exciting week! On Tuesday we went to the Dr for my first appointment and we were able to see Peanut! It was incredible to see and hear the heartbeat, and it really made me feel more at ease. So far, things seem to be going very well and I couldn't be more pleased! 

Physically, I am feeling kind of blah. I am very tired and hungry all the time, but I am managing to continue to go to the gym and to do all of my normal activities. I am really looking forward to that time period in the second trimester when things go back to "normal"--- or so they say. Actually, I was telling Steve last night that I imagine P in there wearing a little fidel castro hat with a mustache barking orders like a little dictator--- lol. It certainly seems like for such a small little thing, "he" is taking over my body and running the show! 

In all seriousness though, this has been such a special time in our lives. The moment that I found out that P existed things changed. Just the knowledge of that little life sparked the beginning of a love that is growing day by day. In this delicate time during pregnancy, I am so thankful for every day that P grows stronger and gets bigger. Grow, baby, grow! 

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